Kalari Yoga is yogic part of Kalaripayattu (developed by Lord Shiva) in which practitioner not only focuses on static postures but also in dynamic postures. Dynamic postures flow from one pose to another pose to prepare body for daily activities which are more dynamic in nature. Kalari yoga postures when practiced for long time gives super strong body especially lower body strength. More lower body strength helps practitioners to have ability to walk/run/lift even in old age.​
At a deeper level, Kalari postures helps opens up the Nadis of the body, specially Ida, Pingala and shushuma Nadis to open up the Kundalini.
How it is different from general Yoga?
At a physical level, major difference between general Yoga and Kalari Yoga is the dynamic postures Kalari yoga has. These dynamic postures are absent in general yoga. Static postures are mostly same in both yoga but the leg strength static postures are much more intense in Kalari Yoga.
Meditation is major part of Kalari Yoga practice.
Meditation means Dhyana. There are lots of definitions on internet about this. Depending on the type of meditation people are doing, they have defined it accordingly.
Meditation can be defined as a scientific technique of connecting inner consciousness to higher consciousness to attain Moksha. Mental peace, increased awareness, sharp focus, good health is a result of meditation what mediators achieve.
Meditation are of many types. Every meditation is not for everyone. It is possible that one kind of meditation can be done easily by one but other person may find it difficult but he/she may find any other kind of meditation easy.